
Siro Húmus de Minhoca

Siro Humus de Minhoca is an organic corrective Vermicompost, a stabilized product obtained from a natural process - Vermicomposting, promoted by the digestion of organic matter from earthworms under controlled conditions. Recommended product for: Vegetables, Orchards, Forests, Vineyards and Gardening



Natural source of nutrients needed for balanced plant growth.
Increases soil fertility and organic matter content.
It stimulates and promotes a good development of the roots (root system) and consequently a healthy and balanced plant growth (aerial), promoting the natural flavor and color of its fruits (vegetables).
Optimizes the physical and biological structure of the soil, increasing the resistance of plants against pests and diseases.

Additional information

Vermicompost obtained from animal manure.

Physical-chemical Characteristics:

Total nitrogen (N) - 1.1% Total phosphorus (P2O5) - 0.8 %
Total Potassium (K2O) - 0.8 %
Total calcium (CaO) - 10 %
Total Magnesium (MgO) - 2 %
Sulfur (SO3) - 1%
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio - 14
Humidity - 34%
Organic matter - 27%
pH - 7.3
Electrical conductivity - 3.5 mS/cm
Apparent density - 0.55 kg/dm3
Maturity degree - degree V
Granulometry < 20mm
Anthropogenic inert materials 0%
Salmonella spp - absent in 25g
E.Coli - No./g of fresh matter <1000
Total heavy metals - classification I - To be used in general agriculture
Product usable in organic farming, according to EC regulation 834/2007 and execution rules
Organic corrective with authorization for placing on the market issued by DGAE under Decree-Law 103/2015
Registration No. at DGAE - 272/2017

Sizes and Packaging Packaging
PackageNP 12580 EAN-13 Packaging
11L 5607226100177 Bag
5607226101174 Box 64 Bags
5607226106179 Pallet 96 Bags
50L 5607226500175 Bag
5607226506177 Pallet 45 Bags

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