
SIRO Húmus Líquido Horta

ORGANIC 3-0-3 Fertilizer Fertilizer for all kinds of vegetables, orchards, greenhouses, and olive groves.



Increases crop production and enhances the organoleptic qualities of food.
Facilitates nutrient absorption and improves soil structure.

Additional information

Physical-chemical Characteristics:

Total nitrogen (N) - 2.9% Organic - 2.9%
Total phosphorus (P2O5) - 0.2 %
Total Potassium (K2O) - 3.3 %
Organic carbon - 31 %
Total humic extract - 10 g/l
Humic acids - 3 g/l
Fulvic acids - 6 g/l
(Results obtained in dry matter)
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio - 14
Organic Matter - 50%
Product presentation: liquid
Approved for Organic Farming.

Sizes and Packaging Packaging
PackageNP 12580 EAN-13 Packaging
1L 5607226493958 Bottle

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Stone Size

Area (㎡) Height (cm)

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Area (㎡) Height (cm)

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